Manusia, semuanya, ( sekalipun atheis ? ) meyakini bahwa alam semesta ini tak terkecuali diri mereka sendiri ada yang menciptakan yaitu yang mereka sebut Sang Pencipta. Sebagai Sang Pencipta Dia dijadikan tempat atau jujugan persembahan, pengabdian, permohonan doa dsb. yang kelak disebut sebagai Tuhan, Allah, Arrobb, God, Gusti, Pengeran, Sang Hyang Widi Wasa dan seterusnya sesuai bahasa setempat atau agama atau kepercayaan yang memperkenalkanya kepada ummatnya. 

Questioning Haram MUI Fatwa

Real economic condition of the people has not improved despite
National leadership succession beganti, even tended to decline.
Promises of politics during the campaign and PILPRES PILEG five years
past simply seduction to gain sympathy and sound ummah. After
they are just busy prosper elected himself and his group.
Now people just waiting for the performance of the representatives of the new
first elected in 2009 PILEG whether they will actually work
the interests of its constituents, even though
we have guessed what kind of performance they will later.
Moreover, many members of the quality suggests the period 2009 -
2014 was lower than in the previous period. We must
patiently waiting to see if the president-elect now able to realize
promises to improve the quality of life of its people five years
future? Or is it just going to continue their slump?
The economic crisis that hit the country plus a global crisis
mempepuruk the state, especially the middle and lower.
Many factories and industries closed. Unemployment everywhere. Number
poverty is still high and difficult to find a job to make
some members of the community do anything to meet
necessities of life, including breaking the law and act
which can be demeaning them in the eyes of society as
begging or begging in public places.
It is the responsibility of all components of the nation to
contribute to solving various problems which are hindering life
nation and state, ranging from social, political,
economic, cultural, educational, religious, and so on according to expertise,
tasks and their respective roles. Special issue of economic pebaikan
is not an easy job. This field requires not only
expertise with a string of academic degrees, but more than that
needed honesty, perseverance and dedication to the
nationality, so the realization of a just and prosperous society is not
just trust Pancasila. If not, then one day we will
see this nation will be at the lowest level in almost all
lines of life even at the level of ASEAN countries, wal'iyazdu
billah min zdalik! (May God protect them!).
Lately, especially in the holy month of Ramadan there
unpleasant sights that make the hearts of anyone who saw
Sad: the number of beggars who roam cities
such as Jakarta and Surabaya. There were only two of them but there are
also a group of up to seven people with clothing that was
'Designed' specifically for beggars. As stated by
Dept. of Social Budiharjo The administration in an electronic media
that the beggars were dropped by the syndicate and 'digaaji' of results
mengemisnya own. But certainly not all beggars who roam
that 'members' syndicate. There is also a beggar 'independent'. That is
actually begging has become his own work to meet
the necessities of life and do not need to deposit their earnings to
who pun.Walhasil begging has become a profession for
both types of beggars. In fact some of them are not
poor-very poor. The authors even met any of them are
more than one wife. Good heavens! Superb! That sentence
first that came out of the mouth of the writer to know about.
But of course the problem of beggars this makes our hearts all
poignant and concerned. Mengaapa famous in the country with the slogan
gemah ripah lohjinawi is still there (read: a lot) of beggars
either out of necessity or because of lazy culture. we are stunned by
news in the media that there is a district in Sumenep Madura
that almost the entire population living as beggars. If
Perhaps indeed the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) need
register it as a new record. This situation is to grip the
scholars who are members of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) District
Sumenep which then react strongly in addressing the phenomenon
his community. To the extent that they 'bear' issued pamungkasnya stance
: Fatwa Haram which is also supported by the MUI MUI East Java and Central
But according to the writer's Fatwa Haram again not
will be effective as well as represented the previous fatwa fatwa
smoking. This means that the beggar (also smokers) will never
stop the habit just because of rising Haram MUI Fatwa
them. It is the absence of reason ('illah) strong
to give illegal status. In fact the reason it is permanent.
That is, under such circumstances could not ask for anything
judged unlawful. For the law originally allowed (allowed but not required), although in Islam
ask-ask is not recommended. In fact, it is recommended instead
sebagaiamana said in a Hadith: The upper hand is better
of the hand below. Of course this is an 'opportunity' for some
people. If anyone want to give alms or tithe it 'must' exist
who accept Islam even require the recipient to sign in
in eight groups are eligible to receive alms and charity
(Qur'an: 9:60) In fact one opinion mazdhab fiqh imam said:
legitimate legal pay zakat to those who claim to be indigent
or poor (book: al-Mizan al-Kubro).
If in the future this may lead to a group of
lazy people to work normally and chose beggars as work,
certainly can not reverse the law allowed but not required to be haram for granted. Because
of law should apply to anyone and anywhere. If
it is imposed, 'the god of illicit very complicated. Period illegitimate law
just begging for beggars Sumenep it? What about the
beggars other areas? Is it haram for begging in place
general public or disturbing? What if begging is not in place
general is also haram? For example, go into houses, agencies,
companies and so that actually made honorable people
as is done in part of East Java legislators ahead
pension busy and out of office agency heads of various agencies
to ask for 'separation' at once fictional holiday allowance (THR)
. Why not MUI issued a fatwa allegedly illegitimate when it
This happens every year? How about 'begging' do
other distinguished persons to the people who've got 'services
life 'of it?
I wish fatwa was legitimate in Islam, meaning
money or goods obtained from begging or asking for it
was unlawful. So also with the donor for contributing
active in the prohibition of begging. Though Rasul SAW. Affirming "
Whoever eats a mouthful of illicit goods, his prayer will not be
accepted for forty days. " The beggars were not only not
obey the fatwa but also be very 'angry' to say
they pray in vain for eating what is forbidden from the begging.
This will cause serious harm to the dignity of the institution MUI
guardian of morals and faith of the community. We all would agree to immediately
'Eradicate' the beggars of this beloved earth. But it certainly is not
the product of forced religious law that counter-productive. For
what a fatwa issued a weak law that clearly would not be
obeyed by anyone even likely to be material derision.
We still remember the fatwa Haram Smoking is wasteful it. Look
course in various public places many people smoke. Even in
penghelatan study cigarette smoke still billowing from the lips of the kiai
and religious teachers and the students. Because cigarettes for nicotine levels still
as long as this outstanding, hard defined as illicit goods
by Islamic law. Should MUI very selective in deciding
illegitimate fatwas. If you need to involve religious organizations
Ulama and Muhammadiyah Nahdhatul like to be more legitimate decision
and can be justified Ummah second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia.
To cope with the problem of beggars should be social
wise from the related department and wisdom of all parties. No need to
over such actions Jaya city government that actually captures the
giving alms. This could be a bad precedent for grinding
awareness among children of the nation.
If the MUI fatwa still bersyahwat with illegitimate, perhaps the
techniques can diijtihadi is like asking the Fatwa Haram
asking for donations in the middle of the road as dangerous to motorists
issued by the MUI Pasuruan. Although still also contain many
complexity and potentially ignored his people. How do
you? (Atikel has been sent to the Surya newspaper and published on September 7, 2009 edition).

Logic and Reckoning Rukyah In Determining The Beginning and the End of Ramadan
Logic (ru'yah) Determination Beginning And End of Ramadan By: Ahmad Jaelani Elhijaa
Thursday, September 13, 2007, we entered the month sacrosanct for the Islamic Ummah worldwide, namely Ramadlann. Because he was a full moon Barokah (goodness, and all the good behavior rewarded with infinite multiples), Rahmat (mercy; the labors of His people to approach with methods that most favors the desire to refrain from eating, drinking, sex, etc.), and Maghfiroh (forgiveness of sins which concern God, as a logical consequence for doing kindnesses to obtain grace). Various things have prepared many people to welcome the month also called repentance this month.

Usually just before the day of his, the public and the media we will be enlivened by a disagreement beginning and end of Ramadan later (1 Shawwal / Eid al-Fitr 1428 H). However, this time there will be no disagreement and differences begin Ramadan fasting. reason, the number of days in the month of Sha'ban is "agreed" even 30 days, in which the 30th day coincided with the day Wednesday, September 12 2007.Maka automatic start of Ramadan falls on Thursday, September 13, 2007 (see calendar Government, NU and Muhammadiyah). In contrast to the determination of one of Shawwal (Eid al-Fitr 1428 H) soon to be a bit "busy", because there is a difference of one day between calendar Islamic government and the two organizations. These differences often lead to uncertainty and swelter for the Islamic Ummah in welcoming the glorious day that has been awaited with super special preparation. 1 Determination of Ramadan and Shawwal 1 are not "uncertain" and must always tend to differ between the government and Islamic organizations, often causing chaos and uncomfortable in the middle masyarakat.Lebih especially when differences occur on Eid al-Fitr. On the night of the 30th (one day before the beginning of) Ramadan, since the afternoon, anxiously awaiting the announcement of the result of the government's ru'yah. Apparently the new moon could not diru'yah. They were tarawih prayers. Suddenly, at 21.00 pm, it is not uncommon even in the middle of the night, there is news and broadcast via speeker musolla and mosques that have occurred ru'yatul moon. Society was divided into two, there are memngikuti and some refuse the information, depending on the scholars' local.
Governments often impose decisions
Unfortunately, the government's decision to impose. This can be seen in the "ban" takbiran evening and Eid al-Fitr prayer (which is not the official version) in most of the mosques jami 'which has links to the government. In the mosques are only a handful of people who perform the Eid prayer, because most of them already do so the day before in the small mosques. This easy Pemanadangan we meet every year, especially in those areas (sub-district). Islamic organizations at NU is sometimes powerless against the "pressure" the ruler to just open the door jami'nya mosques that are the majority of the surrounding is nahdhiyyin.
Uncomfortable atmosphere like this always present when there is a difference between government organizations and between organizations with Islam itself. Indeed it perberbedaan
existing for centuries since the friend who knows how long. However, is not the determination of one Ramadan and Shawwal 1 could be compromised by reason and science? The experts reckoning, both of nahdhiyyin and muhammadiyyin, the calculation results has long been used by his people. Residents nahdliyyin for example, they already have the information "valid" about the beginning and end of Ramadan, especially people close to or have access to a boarding school that has scholars astronomer (reckoning). Pesantren usually every Nisfu Sha'baan (15th Sha'baan) held Haflah Early / Late Sanah (celebration beginning / end of the year), which also announced the results of reckoning (calculation determining the start and end of Ramadan) is under way and consulted fellow clerics 'expert hisab.Warga Nahdliyyin already have liver follow itsbath stability (fixing) ulama'nya. Ironically NU as an institution did not "dare" to accommodate the results of "ijtihad" the ulama'nya own because berhujjah Alhadits on the understanding that the determination of the start and end of Ramadan is just to see (with the naked eye) a month directly (rukyatul hilal).
Single, rigid interpretation of these do sound "why" are usually among the most flexible NU menafsiri meaning the texts, to the extent that there is this group likes stigmatize berbid'ah (a behavior that was never done or did not exist at the time of the Prophet SAW. .) officials of Indonesia's largest Islamic organizations that interpret the word ru'yah as seen by the eye (naked). rukyatul In their version of the new moon did not wear much less high-tech equipment. Thus, accurate as-accurate computation of the results of calculations astronomers was like a blank slate when Tim derived ru'yah government (MORA) and or NU could not see the moon because the sky is covered with clouds real (as in the hadith of the Prophet SAW.) And overcast politics. As we all understand in a non Muslim country with Muslim inhabitants of the earth terakbar everything can be scented odor politics, including in terms of diversity.
Unlike Muhammadiyah already settled on a method of arithmetic in determining the start and end of Ramadan and the feast day of Hajj (Eid al Adha). They are relatively more comfortable in welcoming the arrival of the annual great guests and can better plan everything (to borrow a phrase Gus Mus) due to the arrival of the guests already scheduled for sure. And we all understand, is among the most unwilling to "turn" the least of these texts to the very famous as an anti-heretical. We also feel "why" and "courage" they are mukholafatul ijtihad 'adah (outside their habits). The phenomenon of "two tumben" is actually interesting studied further. Anybody know a lot of the products tumben's in jurisprudence mereka.Dalam this paper the author discusses a phenomenon not bermak sud ini.Penulis just want to try to unravel the understanding of the Hadith texts Muslims started the foundation and end of Ramadan which often blows hot air in the community, especially in an atmosphere fitri.Bahkan never cause commotion incident in a village in Sampang Madura few years ago because of mutual self-righteousness and forbid fasting on the day of Eid Fitrinya brother and vice versa .
The problem is not really a matter of religious faith and the way we deal with the difference that was already a tradition that, but why the difference was "required" there just because "conservatism" and "lust religion" a few groups (including rulers) in understanding religious texts, so elements of the real absolute kerbenaran ignored. Called the absolute truth since the advent of the new moon at the beginning of the month as a sign of change is a natural necessity for rotation of the Moon around the Earth cycle is fixed (Q: 36:39) and was predictable (read: brought to account) for certain / right. Many ways to prove the appropriateness of the calculations of astronomers that. One is the use of telescopes to monitor the appearance of the new moon. Moreover MCIT Prof.Dr.Ir. Mohammad Nuh DEA ​​on August 19, the last in Surabaya is ready to facilitate the Muslims in Indonesia to determine the beginning and end of Ramadan and the utilization of information technology in Boscha telescope, Bandung.
Binoculars validity Stars Not Terbantahka
Statement former Rector of ITS is mustinya as a breath of fresh air for the Muslims in the middle of "uncertainty" to meet the start and end of Ramadan. For the "uncertainty" is not only monopolized the Muslims of Indonesia, but ironically also experienced the Muslims who live in different parts of the world which is actually a sophisticated and technologically advanced countries. Saudi Arabia even have had to muddle berramadhan 28 days. This, as if to show that Islam anti techno-logy (advanced). Or technologists fear and are not allowed in the religious monopoly that only the ulama'nya? The applicability of the telescope as a legitimate tool ru'yatul moon should be able to be recognized by the scholars', given the proper accuracy. If the logical argument can be accepted by the logic of the well, then it should begin this Ramadan 1428 H Muslims are willing to utilize ulama'nya wabilkhushush the telescope while recognizing its validity to ascertain whether or not the new moon be seen as the basis for the legal set start and end the fast. Thus, Muslims simultaneously in all parts of the country (and even internationally, according to geographical location) can spend a day fasting and feast on the same day. Unlike in past years sometimes started Ramadan on the same day, but the air-Eid al-Fitr on different days, and vice versa.
Not a matter of "togetherness" start and end of Ramadan to be scrutinized. But, about the "scramble" objects (read: hilal) that can determine the "togetherness" that happens or not, but the object is the focus we are just one, just one, and of course is at one point only (manzilah). The presence of the object was "very easy" predictable and easier to prove if we want a little bit of logic standards loosen our understanding Hadith-Hadith Muhammad SAW related determination Ramadan, so it does not make use of tech tools such tabu telescopes etc.. If you order this logic we can already digested by common sense and can concludes its validity, then turn the tool is called binocular star we should "watch" and "look out" how it works. If he is a telescope that can only shoot objects that are in a straight line with him (especially at position 1 degree), meant he had qualified as a tool for the eye to see objects in a straight line with it. Is the telescope is also able to "pierce" clouds blocking the view to the naked eye? If not, then just as telling, sorry, the blind to see an object. Equally important is the credibility of the people who operate them. In this case I was very confident with the credibility and integrity of a M0hamad Noah, relaif new figures at national and relatively sterile politics of the bacteria, resulting teropongannya which later passed on to the public tertutama accountable before God Almighty.
1 Ramadan and Shawwal 1428 H 1
Reckoning calculations for determining the beginning and end Romadlon 1428 H is circulating among scholars' reckoning experts, as exists in the calendar issued by educational institutions that exist in the NU and Muhammadiyah, the start of Ramadan fell on Thursday on 13th September 2007 and end date on Thursday. October 11, 2007. This means that 1 Shawwal 1428 H (Eid al Fitr) falls on a Friday date. 12 0ktober 2007. Long fasting 29 days. While the calendars circulating in the government agencies, together with the start of Ramadan in the second calendar organizations. But 1st Shawwal 1428 H (Eid al Fitr) falls on a Saturday date. October 13, 2007. Fasting even 30 days.
Binoculars role Stars
Here, Binoculars star role as "referee" to "prove" honestly if the new moon actually appeared at that time or not. Although the experts agreed Reckoning 1 Ramadan falls on Thursday, Binoculars Stars must keep track of the new moon Tuesday afternoon and publish the results. To strengthen the validity of the new moon with Binocular ru'yatul this star, must involve as many people as possible. When the need to involve national telivsi station to broadcast live so that the public can be seen, as well as Muslims can feel steady in worship because they have "seen" with my own eyes. Because people are also entitled to obtain the correct information and the government is obliged to provide it.
MCIT as facilitator, should be "bold" to be honest that his telescope actually see the crescent moon (hilal ru'yatul), even if the government in this case the Ministry of Religious Affairs stated at the same time that the team revealed in a number of monitoring points did not see crescent moon (hilal ru'yatul) because the views are obstructed by thick clouds and so on, as long as this happens (the author's knowledge, pemerrintah since the New Order until now, never change "red schedule" Eid al-Fitr are already set in their calendar). Finally there was a feast day, lasted two hari.Padahal fasting or break in one of the two holidays are mandatory law could, could haram depending where appropriate with the only actual new moon ru'yatul real alias.
When the difference in time (two holidays / early Ramadan) this happens again, do not sound logic we disturbed? It is impossible aka moonshine in this hemisphere there is a difference up to 24 hours as the event two holidays on top (even Iraq had 2 different days with Saudi Arabia)? Maximum 12 hours. And that's as far as the distance between the Indonesia-United States. If something that is impossible for anyone's common sense, still we use as a legal basis to remain different, then we would be laughed at by the whole world, including our own (Ummah). It's OK to tell people: "hasanah differences in religion and democracy", the origin of like-minded original sources (the Qur'an and Assunnah) the logic and reason of insanity. Baagaimana your opinion?. (The article I have ever sent to a print on August 8, 2007, but not published).